Monday, May 28, 2012

Family weekend / Bit O' Race Envy

I had a good weekend with my family (despite Lil' C being sick). We camped out (in the back yard), tried to teach J-Man to skateboard (not sure why he decided he wanted to), J-Man was in the Memorial Day Parade and I got a little bit of work done around the house. I was able to get a couple runs in too on Saturday and Monday morning.

On Saturday, it started to rain a couple miles in. I don't mind rain, sometimes I welcome it. The rain was nice, but if it's gonna rain, I prefer that it just keep raining. It all but stopped after a couple more miles and it got really humid. I ran again early this morning. I left at about 7:30 but should have gone even earlier - it got pretty warm rather quickly. For both runs, I didn't feel too hot for the first couple miles and then felt better.

This morning, I wanted to run at about an 8:30 min/mi pace, but my legs just didn't want to move, especially early. The yard work I did over the weekend must have been tougher on me than I thought (and yet another reason why I avoid it for as long as I can). I was running at about 9 min / mi for the first half of the run and gradually sped up as I got loose, finishing at 8:47 min / mi. With the "heat", that was fine.

Spending time with my family was more important than racing, but I felt a bit left out with so many people racing at Bayshore in Traverse City on Saturday. Megan and Matt each ran their first marathons and Alexis set a big 10k PR. They all did great. While I missed racing, I didn't miss driving up North on a busy travel weekend or trying to get a hotel room, again on a busy travel weekend. I still would have dealt with that if I was ready to do a marathon, but I just don't have time right now to dedicate myself to that kind of training (That and I am enjoying running shorter distances at the moment).While I could now get ready for a half marathon in a few weeks, marathon training is something completely different. Maybe next year...


  1. I'm probably going to run Bayshore half next year. It's a great race. I loved the full but not going to commit to two marathons next year.

    1. I can see why. The difference in training from a half marathon to a full seems to be quite vast. Marathon training appears to be really hard on people and takes quite a bit more time.

  2. the traffic wasn't too bad, but the hotels were all crazy busy. We booked in january and we are considering booking for next year asap. I definitely want to do some distance of the race again next year. I'm glad you had a good weekend! Family time definitely trumps running.

    1. What? No it doesn't. (This is one reason why I should never have children).

    2. Sometimes you need "me" time and sometimes family time. Often, it is difficult to balance everything, but in the end it seems to work out OK for us.

  3. Like Jeff, I'm considering running the Bayshore half next year. The good news is that you have until December 1 to decide...the bad news is that you have to decide by December 1. The hotels book very quickly, and the prices are ridiculous. But the course is beautiful, and I thought the race was very well organized. Marathon training is definitely a different beast...
