Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Me Love Daylight Savings Time!

It is so nice to make it home after a long work day and still have daylight. After a rest day yesterday, I had plans to do a "fast" 5k today. I got home, put on my running stuff (it only took 2 minutes instead of suiting up for cold running, which can take a while) and headed out.

It was warm, my legs felt good and I felt fast upon the start. The first mile was good and then I ended up with a mild side stitch that lasted the rest of the run. It hurt a little and slowed me a little bit. I'm hoping that if I get that in a race, I won't let it slow me too much.

Plan to do an easy run Friday, maybe a walk or very light run on Saturday and then will be ready for race on Sunday!

Well, OK then....


  1. hope you don't get the side stitch during the race! Nice job on the run, sounds like you'll be ready to race for sure on sunday. I'm pretty nervous you're going to beat me ;)
